23 December, 2005

Identity crisis kinda

Yeah basically. I'm confused. I have a bunch of shit to deal with, just like every other person on the planet. Go me !

18 December, 2005

Finally I wrote one just now (just for you!)

I realise that I haven't done any free poetry yet on this blog. Well today is the day!

is the number
of containers
on my dresser in front of
my eyes
I count them one
by one
sets of words
"Ben & Jerry's"
empty containers
used to be full
of my favourite
were eaten by me
in two weeks
which makes me realise
I love my life

Did that sound pretty artsy? Or just stupid? Well I will give you a hint! It's true!

08 December, 2005


I want to hang out with somebody right now. Somebody who is actually my friend. You know, so I can be myself for real for a while. Too bad no such people go to this college. Darn. Josh, sorry if that statement offends you. But as good of friends as we are, we are not quite that close. Sorry. You're close though, if that is any comfort!

03 December, 2005

In response to a couple of comments

I was going to respond with a comment, but it ended up taking longer than I thought so I figured a post would do.

I will come back to French class in the Fall. And I am going to do really really well. I am going to do so well in college that college won't know what hit it.

And no I will not be listening to music because I am not bringing my computer to the temple, and a CD player would be a silly thing to bring to a Zen Buddhist temple if you are going to be a monk.

However, I will be getting a lot of violin practice in. I am going to transpose a bunch of fiddle and bluegrass tunes into all the keys, and memorise them. Theoretically, I will be able to fiddle at that point. In short, I hope to get wicked good at the violin.

Also, just so you know, I plan on writing some dang good songs, some dang good poetry, and a first draft (at the least) of my novel. I will probably get good posture too. That will be neat. It is a little-known fact that my neck is always really sore. This is because I play the violin, and I think because I don't have good posture when I do. In theory, playing with good posture should solve that problem. Man when I come back I will basically be a better human being in every way.

In other news, I think I will try to do what Asya suggested and build a darkroom while I am there, if I have the time, resources, and permission. Also, on a completely different note, I really hate who I am right now, and yes I am aware that "hate" is a very strong word. That is all.

01 December, 2005

I guess all my posts will be one sentence or so from now on

I am going to miss listening to music when I am in Toronto. I am going to miss it a lot. Shit. I will die. Gah why did I decide to do this!! Meh I'll get used to it.