Apple is releasing the next version of its OS X, and it isn't very good. I just went through the new features and gave them prices according to what I would pay for shareware that would accomplish the same thing:
$0 — The new desktop is prettier. I would download a free thing that did this, but I would not pay for it.
$0 — The new finder looks like all the new features I didn't like about iTunes.
$15 — Quick Look looks like a really cool idea. I would not pay $20 for it.
$10 — Time Machine also looks neat, but I doubt I'd use it much, and it isn't worth more than $10 to me.
$0 — Spaces is already a free program that I could (and purposely don't) have.
$10 — The new Apple Mail has the notes and to do lists, and the improved address book. Total, that is $10 to me.
$0 — I do not use iChat because I do not talk to people online, plus I do not have a webcam.
$0 — iCal would be cool, but I use Google Calendar, making it useless to me.
$0 — The "new" dashboard is not really improved.
$0 — I don't care about Safari (plus I can get it free whether or not I get Leopard).
$0 — I don't have a Mactel, so Boot Camp means nothing to me.
$0 — Parental Controls, Photo Booth, Front Row, DVD Player, handicapped stuff and Automator still mean nothing to me, and I do not want to pay for anything that they do.
$5 — To be fair, I will assume there are $5 worth of something cool that is not advertised.

The price to upgrade is $130. This is $90 more than I am willing to pay. If you pay me $10, I will not take $100 out of my bank and then burn it. The problem is that as time goes on, more and more stuff will not be available on OS 10.4, and I am going to be forced to get 10.5 for that reason.
The question is, is that inconvenience worth $90 to me? The answer is no, it is not worth it. I am just annoyed that the inconvenience will be there at all. I would be happy to pay $40 for 10.5. Hell, I would even pay $50. But I would not pay $60, let alone $130. Fuck you, Apple.