30 November, 2005


Actually, I am not going to Chicago. I am going to Toronto

Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading my blog today! :D

24 November, 2005


I am not going to school this winter term. I am hopefully instead going to a Zen Buddhist temple in Chicago to basically be a monk for 6 months (where I take vows of such as poverty, selflessness, and humility).

School isn't for me though. Not yet. I am not mature enough for it and I don't have enough self discipline. However, don't worry, those of you that care. I will make sure the fora goes back up before I leave, and I'll find some way to insure that it stays up while I am gone.

As for contacting me while I am gone, frankly, I have no idea. I will not be ever on a computer though (not because of the program, but because I don't want to).

Anyway, if this works out, I should be leaving in January and coming back in July. So there will be plenty of time for such as saying bye etc.

Well bye.


20 November, 2005

Last night

Last night I was feeling very, I dunno. Definitely not depressed, but in that "pondering" state that I get in where I look really depressed. Probably because I spent an hour and a half in the arboretum watching the river (no joke, I was just sitting there and lost track of time). Anyway I am back to normal right now, but last night when I got back I was going to make a very deep post here. I am not in the mood right now, and I got sidetracked last night. No deep post.

18 November, 2005


I feel like I can take the world right now. Bring it!

What does that mean? It means I should start studying, because I will get sooo much done. But instead I will stand in the freezing cold for three hours and then eat lunch with my parents. I hope I feel this way 5 hours from now.

16 November, 2005


Well I guess what I was afraid would happen happened. I ended up completely forgetting that I ever had a blog and stopped posting altogether. I'm going to ease into it maybe now. I think that makes more sense.

So me. Well, I guess I've had a lot on my mind lately, but that is true of basically any person, including you, I imagine.

I kinda want to get a license to drive a car. In fact I really should just go and get one. I haven't driven for months, but I should. I probably could do it without too much trouble, and it would make many things easier. Yeah, maybe over Christmas break. Hm, we will have to drive up to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving, maybe I can get some needed practice in then. That'd be a good idea, I bet.

I am listening to the song Lola right now. I like it. Good song. Much better than the Weird Al parody. Most people have heard the parody but not the original, which is sort of silly.

Random quotes heard from open dorm doors as I walk by:

  • "Today is Sexy Sunday; everything we eat on Sexy Sunday is sexy"
  • "You are bald in three places?"
  • There was another thing that I did want to put here but I forgot what it was.

So I am working on the ultimate French multi-page cheat sheet. It will contain everything that I have learned in French, short of vocab. Does anybody recommend a method for learning vocab? Like, that is the thing that I am very behind in, and I need to learn a lot of vocab. If anybody can help me with that, it would be really cool.

Yesterday I bought some sunglasses. This is me wearing them:

I need sunglasses for the Michigan Pops concert, because we are playing the Pink Panther, and they thought it would be a good idea for everybody to be wearing sunglasses during the Pink Panther. Because the Pink Panther has sunglasses-related connotations, I suppose.

Also I am going to get a new web page. I am currently leaning towards mattisgreat.com, because I could come up with a pretty neat splash page. I mean, I have two priorities in a web page. One, I want to be able to host various media (pictures, music, that is it), but more importantly, I want the fora to exist. On my current DOS'd page, the index is just an apache list of files. On mattisgreat.com, I will probably go ahead and design a main page. It would probably have testimonials, and a store (with a link for people to donate money to me). That right there would basically be the cat's pajamas. Or something.

It is likely that I will be seeing a Victor Wooten concert soon. That will be awesome. Also, I might be meeting with Anneka soon to found a secret society. That definitely has potential.

Today I will cash all my paychecks, which will make me into a very wealthy man.

Man I really like the Kinks right now. And I need to go to class. Matt OUT