17 March, 2008

Hey, maybe I'll get back into this

I kind of like blogging, so maybe I'll start doing it again.  Why not, you know?

I am experimenting with habit-forming.  Do you know about the ideas that it takes 21 days to make a habit?  I think that's pretty cool.  More on this in 21 days.

Right now, I am a little tired I guess.  Saying that I miss my girlfriend is kind of needless I guess.  In a way, I feel like the best way to handle it is to bottle it up.  I mean, bottling things up is a great way to make the pain go away, and it makes everybody around you think you're fine.  But nothing goes away forever until you deal with it, and I guess it's easier to do it one day at a time now than all at once later.  Sigh.

How are you?  I have letters that I need to write, but that can wait until after my exam on wednesday.  In econ, we're starting on game theory.  I love on that stuff.

But really, how are you?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whats going on with your girlfriend?
