22 July, 2008

History of &

Did you know that & is from the Latin "et"?  The upper loop is a lower case e, all with the line going down and to the right.  The line going up and right used to always have a horizontal line at the tip.  This went out of fashion in the age of the typewriter, kind of like how $ used to have two lines.

So yeah, that makes me like & a lot more.  Incidentally, did you know that $ was born from US?  The U was written over the S, and people eventually stopped writing the bottom part of the U, making it two vertical lines.  Then that was too hard for typewriters, so it became one vertical line.


1 comment:

Molly said...

How do you learn these neat things you know? I really like the & background. It never occurred to me that the symbol must have meant something or come from somewhere.

I also kind of like the sound of this verification: lahda. Makes me think of taa-da.