30 October, 2008

Smily icon

It is amazing to me how you can write a really scathing, mean thing to somebody and then end it with :) or ;P or whatever, and they won't get upset at all.  Do people really get that complacent when they see a smile?  Really?

Also, when I spend a really long time doing statistics, I begin to wonder why we work that way.  It's like, grab a random human, and you can't be sure how he or she will act.  But grab 500, and you know exactly how they will act.

You don't know which ones will do what, but you know how many people will do what.  You hear a lot of people arguing that we are individuals and sociology is bullshit, but damn.  If everybody had truly free will, wouldn't we be less predictable?

Or would we?  Do any of the 3 people who read this believe in free will?  Please explain why you think this way.


Actual “Matt’s Life” update post!

Hey friends!

Welcome to an episode of Matt’s Life!

Actually I shouldn't write this post because I have homework.

Thank you for being a part of today’s episode of Matt’s Life!

23 October, 2008

Oh my god

How can I live without the gospel version of Правда о мечте? Spoiler: I can't.

12 October, 2008

Hi Molly


Okay so anyway today I have mixed feelings about my life because I am starting to fall behind in my homework.  I am still on top of everything, but I am less on top of everything than I used to be, and am getting dangerously close to getting into a situation.

But I think I can make it right, so that's good.

That is my blog post for today!

Oh, and I am getting into typesetting.  Check back soon (in two months) and I will post a pdf file that is well-typeset.  Exciting!!

