12 October, 2008

Hi Molly


Okay so anyway today I have mixed feelings about my life because I am starting to fall behind in my homework.  I am still on top of everything, but I am less on top of everything than I used to be, and am getting dangerously close to getting into a situation.

But I think I can make it right, so that's good.

That is my blog post for today!

Oh, and I am getting into typesetting.  Check back soon (in two months) and I will post a pdf file that is well-typeset.  Exciting!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

加油! That's my response.

It's jia1you2, which is Chinese for 'add oil'. Sounds weird, right? But basically it's equivalent to our 'you can do it!', or 'go!', or 'come on'. Positive and encouraging.