03 February, 2009

Computer Ergonomics

This is all some pretty important stuff to think about when you’re at your computer, people!

  • Your eyes should be at or above the top of your monitor (looking down is much easier for your eyes than looking up, and you won’t have to tilt your neck to do so this way).
  • Which leads to: try to align your spine, all with your head and neck balanced on your torso, so you aren’t all hunched over all Igor-like.
  • Elbow support! Armrests or something. Also your elbows should be close to your body, with your upper-arms essentially just hanging straight-down.
  • Make sure your wrists and hands are in line with your forearms (that’s why those ergonomic keyboards look so weird—because if you follow this rule and the one above, your hands will be at different angles. You don’t want to have to twist your wrists to make up for this.
  • Get a little pad that you can put in front of your keyboard if you use a keyboard and not just a laptop. That way your wrists have support.
  • Obviously, make sure that your monitor is at a good distance. Make sure it is easiest to read when your head is in a good-posture position. Duh.
  • Ideally, your desk-height is such that your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  • You should put a cushion on your chair to support your lower-back.
  • You should be comfortable with your feet flat on the floor.

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