Also Chloe—who are you? Are you a spambot or a person? If you are a spambot, what are you advertising? It seems like there are suddenly a lot of spambots who just make nice posts on blogs. Are you just trying to make people feel good? I mean that is pretty cool, but I find it hard to believe. But I'll believe you if you say that's what it is!
Oh, and if you are not a spambot, sorry for assuming that you are. I'm sure you understand that it is hard to imagine that anybody on the internet is real anymore, especially when they are suddenly reading my sporadically-updated-at-best blog.
No no i am definitely real. I'm not sure what I could do to prove that to you besides just saying it. I'm new to the blogging thing and was just looking for other blogs to read. I'm not advertising anything but I definitely wouldn't object if you read my blog!
*hugs* You're the MAN Matt.
We should watch Big Lebowski together. Yes.
I just found your blog and really like it. You have a new regular reader.
You should've been like "hey Molly, stop laying (lying?) around in bed being tired and come hang out with me!".
Gynelle—next weekend we are having a Coen Brothers marathon. You in?
Molly—but you were tired!
Also Chloe—who are you? Are you a spambot or a person? If you are a spambot, what are you advertising? It seems like there are suddenly a lot of spambots who just make nice posts on blogs. Are you just trying to make people feel good? I mean that is pretty cool, but I find it hard to believe. But I'll believe you if you say that's what it is!
Oh, and if you are not a spambot, sorry for assuming that you are. I'm sure you understand that it is hard to imagine that anybody on the internet is real anymore, especially when they are suddenly reading my sporadically-updated-at-best blog.
No no i am definitely real. I'm not sure what I could do to prove that to you besides just saying it. I'm new to the blogging thing and was just looking for other blogs to read. I'm not advertising anything but I definitely wouldn't object if you read my blog!
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