Anyway, I did not spend much time by wasting time. This is what I am happy about. This Friday I am going to go to the temple for my first weekend. I guess I'd be nervous, but, well, why would I be nervous seriously.
So here is my plan with the violin:
- Phase 1:
- Regain previous skill
- Phase 2:
- Gain new skill at the same rate for as long as I can fool myself into thinking that I am just regaining old skill
- Phase 3:
- I guess slow down. At this point I should be pretty good. Take this time to jump to the next level of "great"
- Phase 4:
- Take a break from any major form of improvement (this way people will think that I have "levelled out" or "reached my peak" or "cannot possibly improve")
- Phase 5:
- Make a shocking leap from "great" to "awesome".
- Phase 6:
- This is probably a couple years from now. Probably get this violin (I have been saving money for a little while now by the way) and start over.
This is what I am thinking about at this point.
Also I am trying to put together a resumé for one of the jobs I applied for. The problem is that I don't have any experience at all. Well that isn't true. Part of the job is web designing, which I have plenty of experience. The problem is that all the places I've designed pages for took them off the internet for varying reasons (or never put them up). So while I can list many people I've designed for, I can't list, say, a URI. I'll ask my mom for help with making my absence of a resumé into something that will at least look somewhat respectable.
Yesterday I hung out with Anneka and Nick. This was my first hanging out with anybody while back. I think. Let me think. Yeah. First. Exciting. I'll probably hang out with other people too. I am the kind of a person that does that.
Also I have got to thinking about a couple things. Consciousness and Laughter (not together—separate). I'll detail this stuff tomorrow or tonight. Interesting stuff though, I think.
Also note to self: When you get a house of your own, do not get expensive things such as really pretty granite counters. Because they are just as easy to break as cheap things such as wood counters, but much harder and more expensive to fix. Seriously. Beauty is not worth the trouble. I'm sure you can figure out some other way to make your house pretty without a coffee table made entirely out of glass, without a sink that looks like a bowl supported by intricate metal legs, and without pillows that you cannot use as pillows because they are made out of art and therefore cannot be washed. End note.
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