12 May, 2007

64 People

I need to come up with 64 civilizations each with a strength and a fatal weakness. So I need to come up with 64 strengths/weaknesses. Hm. I guess I could come up with 8 things for a civilization to be weak or strong in, and I could mix and match, making 64. That would make 8 hypocritical societies, among other things, which would be pretty cool. And it would be pretty easy to do this with the 8 trigrams, and figure out hexagrams that way.

And so my book begins.


Molly said...

Ooh, sounds cool. What type of weaknesses are you thinking of? Environmental ones, like favorable or unfavorable climate, or more something regarding governing structure?

Matthew A LaChance said...

I was going to give a bunch more information, but then I remembered that this is the internet, and I don't really want to put my idea on the internet, because it is a good idea, and a many people could carry it out. I'm paranoid. Remind me sometime I'm talking to you and I will tell you about it.

Molly said...

Will do.