I should probably be really excited or at least relieved, but I actually just feel normal, like she was never gone. It's like the last 5 months just disappeared. Crazy.
You are so strange man. Man.
I'm taking off for Europe on Saturday. It will probably make me think of you, because I associate you with Europe. Maybe we should see eachother before I go. Yeah.
Also, tell Nora I said "Hello! and Thank you for the CouchSurfer's message! I am lazy and forgot to write you back. This makes me a bad person, but you are a good one for writing to me!"
Clearly quite a lot is wrong with you Matt. It is NEVER okay to think of the final count-down.
Which reminds me. Where are you staying right now? Are you at home? I have a band you should hear. They are "Stars" I have no idea if you'd like them, but I do. So.
What was I going to say? Oh yeah!
Nora! I will have an awesome time in Europe. I will ask every person I see if they know you. I will do that.
You are so strange man. Man.
I'm taking off for Europe on Saturday. It will probably make me think of you, because I associate you with Europe. Maybe we should see eachother before I go. Yeah.
Also, tell Nora I said "Hello! and Thank you for the CouchSurfer's message! I am lazy and forgot to write you back. This makes me a bad person, but you are a good one for writing to me!"
No worries Gynelle! Have an awesome time in Europe!
Every time I see or hear the word "Europe" I think of the Final Countdown.
what is wrong with me
Clearly quite a lot is wrong with you Matt. It is NEVER okay to think of the final count-down.
Which reminds me. Where are you staying right now? Are you at home? I have a band you should hear. They are "Stars" I have no idea if you'd like them, but I do. So.
What was I going to say? Oh yeah!
Nora! I will have an awesome time in Europe. I will ask every person I see if they know you. I will do that.
I have to admit. I lied. I will probably not do that.
Calling someone a liar loses its edge if you do it after they admit to lying.
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