07 June, 2006

This blog ain't gon' update itself

I need to learn to use a sewing machine. There is a huge hole (actually three of them) in my meditation pants. They are covered up with patches, but the patches are coming off because I hand-sewed them. Well, it's more complicated than that. Basically, if you don't know, with a patch, you need to hem the edges so that it won't fray over time. If you want to do a good job, use a sewing machine. I didn't know that I had to hem them before, so the patches are fraying to nothing. So I need to get new patches (done), hem them (not done), and sew them back on (also not done, but I know how). My mom knows how to use the machine, but we are never in the house at the same time. Does anybody want to teach me how to sew with just a straight stitch (this should be really easy) before this weekend?

Also, things are going really well right now. For me. I've managed to overcome that whole thing now, and everything seems to be falling in place. I am beginning to realise how pessimistic of a person I really am. I always thought of myself as an optimist, but I feel like I'm waiting for myself to fall down and fail at this new method. But the more it works, the more I'm realising that, well, dang, I did it. I'm going to college for sure. I am going to grab it by its horns and kick it.

I'm thinking of getting a membership at the Y. It's cheaper than the CCRB (apparently, Students have to pay now … retarded.), and I'm already familiar with all the equipment I'd use. Hey Josh, if you read this, do you want to co-ordinate this? I'd probably work out Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, and I'm pretty sure your classes are on not those days, right? Is it even cheaper than the CCRB? It's $26 per month. How much was the CCRB?

I went to allofmp3 and got a bunch of music by ЛенинграД and Звери. I really like the way Russian sounds as a language. A lot more than French, anyway. I am considering doing Russian instead of French, because (a) I like it a lot better and (b) I actually know people who speak Russian. I doubt I will ever spend a significant amount of time in France or Russia, so neither language is more practical than the other. The only reason I'm doing French is because I have a lot of experience with it already. So going into Russian makes all my previous work in French a waste of time, and I'm not eager to do that. I could do French and then try my hand at Russian after college. Or, I could do Russian in college and finish up French after. What do you fellows think?

Honestly, I think it will depend on my schedule. There is one class I want to take and I'll probably go for whichever language fits in best. Speaking of which, I should contact Jennifer Myers to see if the class is scheduled yet. I kind of hope it conflicts with my French class. Heh. Russian would be so much more work. But, to be honest, I just want to do it more. I dislike this kind of situation. Daang. It also looks like Russian requires 4 hours per week of co-curricular activities (French required 80 minutes). So much more work. Yet I still want to. Oh wait. But it looks like Russian only meets four hours per week. I guess it's much smaller than French so it would make sense for it to not have a discussion. I have no idea how I should go about this decision. I hate gut vs logic. I'd try Shoshana's coin thing, but I already know what I want to do. It's what I should do.

Anyway, my room is starting to get organised, and I'm getting better at the violin. Still not enjoying the violin, but I'm getting better as I said. I always feel kind of bitter when I think about my violin. That's no good.

I'm getting back into transliterating Korean Buddhist chants. I found the yebul (예불몬) online in a few places, and they are all the same, and are different than the one the temple gives us. So I'm transliterating it using a romanisation that I made up, because the current ones don't make sense to me. That probably sounds really pretentious. I'm not aiming for that. I don't actually know anything about Korean except the alphabet, and the romanisation offered by the Korean government sucks, while romanisations of the past are insufficient for different reasons. So I combined a few of them to make something that makes a lot more sense to me.

I'm listening to O Brother Where Art Thou. Great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Giving you a headsup: Don't take Russian if you don't intend to spend a lot of time on it. It's a language with SEVEN DIFFERENT CASE ENDINGS. That's where the infamous grammer bear came from, it was a ploy by davo to try and remember the different letters for different case endings. (It didn't work)

Anyhow. Yeah. I love the way Russian sounds. Here's a phrase for you!

yah neigh zen-eye-ahl "I don't know"


Gyeh-dyeh moo-ya go-low-vehr "Where is my head?"