22 November, 2006


Nobody can quite challenge my beliefs like my family can. Man am I grateful; I've been getting pretty full of myself lately, and it's about time somebody put me in my place. Man sorry this is all vague. Basically, I shared some of my views on a couple political things, and my parents completely went to town on it. It didn't really convince me of anything as much as it reminded me that I am only 19, and do not have a bunch of experience of life yet, and am therefore pretty naïve. Nobody else really does that for me. Usually people just kind of agree with me or don't say if they think otherwise, or if they do, we have a very friendly acceptance of the fact that we disagree.

With my family, I say something and everybody just completely points out how every part of everything I said was completely wrong and all the reasons why. I mean, it is kind of a blow at first, but seriously, it is very cool. It is like people are actually listening to what I say, instead of just agreeing with it.

Anyway I am very tired right now, because it is the time of day where everybody in my house is tired and going to bed. It's not like college where everybody is finally getting awake. Good night.

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