18 November, 2006


I was just looking at this thing on weight-training, saying how I should eat and such. I basically already follow all of the desired options already. That would explain why I am so healthy all of the time. It is kind of cool to read all the stuff though.

Also, my day was just made by a dumb asshole. I am grateful for dumb assholes, because, well, they make my day a lot.

So I was walking earlier, and I was wearing my nice Russian hat. This guy rolled down his window, shouted "Hey Commie! Russia's that-a-way!" and proceeded to point in a southwesterly direction. I find this funny because (a) I am not at all a communist, (b) I am not at all Russian, (c) Russia is not a Communist country, and (d) no matter how far you go southwest, you will not get to Russia. Basically, he was wrong.

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