25 November, 2006

The hell I am back

I was without internet for the past few days because I was at home and there was not any internet there. I like not having the internet because it forces me to go have real fun. For example, instead of playing on the internet, I played taboo with my family, and instead of posting to my blog, I called Nora and talked about it. You know, to a person, and not to a blog.

As far as what happens, I'm really not in the mood to recap, and I doubt I will be. I hung out with Simon for the first time in like a billion years. A year. A couple months. But still, it was pretty cool to hang out with Simon, and right afterwards I found a penny (haha Simon you will never get your hands on this penny).

A while after, Nora called and we talked for two hours.

Before I stop writing, Gynelle, I need to give you a CD and I also need to talk to you. Not urgently, but definitely one-on-one.

In retrospect, I guess my only regret is that I did not have a Kraftwork Thänksgiving.

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