I think I have had too much fun for the past couple week, and I am ready to be anti-social at least for the weekend. I am planning on getting maybe a week ahead in my classes, and also maybe read some Gödel, Escher, Bach. I might take on a new shift in the cafeteria as well, I don't know.
I'm thinking I will take the bus out to Staples to buy some nice brown envelopes. I hope they have them. I have always looked at brown envelopes as superior to white envelopes. They have far more personality, and are not see-through. (I know that you can get white non-see-through envelopes, but they are ugly as lord.)
Right now, I am going to do some mathematics. When I finish the homework that is due tomorrow, I am going to get a start on the homework due in a week. I was caught up like this at the beginning of term, and I would like to be here again.
Also I need to figure out a way to not stay up really late every weeknight with Nora. Maybe we can hang out during the day sometime? I dunno. This is destroying my beautiful sleeping schedule. Then again, I would always rather be hanging out with Nora than sleeping. I guess this is just one of those things where I have to not do what I want to do and instead do what I should do.
Yeah, that's a good call I think. I'll just do the right thing instead of the coolest thing. Now that I have written that here in my blagoblag, let's see if I can actually do it. I will keep you posted.
Aussi, je voudrais écrire un paragraph en français. Je ne sais pas pourquoi. C'est possible qu'il est parce-que je viens de finir mes devoirs de français. Et hier nuit, mon rêve était en français. C'était la première fois pour moi, donc maintenant je suis excité. Je pense que les personnes qui lisent mon blagoblag ne me comprennent pas quand j'écris en français, mais je vais commencer écrire en français plus souvent, parce que je l'aime. D'accord.
Anyway, I am going to start my weekend now. Time for hell of studying. Ohhhhhh ouaaaaaaaai!
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I've dreamed in French a couple of times. I always got really excited too.
Je ne rêve jamais en francais, mais je ne pense pas en français quand je ne suis pas en ma classe de français, aussi.
Je pense que je voudrais rêver en français.
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