In other news most of the people I voted for won. But Woods lost to Hieftje by a landslide. 2/3 majority anyway. Pity. Not that I was expecting a different outcome.
I just noticed that the pictures part of my website displays an error when you try to look at the apache list, so I fixed the .htaccess file and now you can look at it. Pretty intense.
I was kinda looking forward to the diplomacy thing, but it is probably going to never happen ever. Just kidding. That's just what I feel like. But there will be a very manly movie night on Friday. It will be pretty great. We'll grill a chicken and play football and watch porn. You should come! Unless you have only X chromosomes. Then you are not welcome.
I'm going to practise my violin for the first time in a long time tomorrow. It's been almost a month I think.
I'm going to stop posting, and I am too awake to go to bed, so I am going to start a new cave story game and go as far as I can without saving. I'll let you know how it goes.
Man, I voted for John H. I love that guy. I went to this comedy club a month ago, and like, he was drinking a beer, and he told some pretty funny stories for citizen improv. Also, he wants Ann Arbor to get LED street lights.
Anyway, I'll stop pimping him. But I'm gald you voted!
Yeah but he also is an enemy of the greenway, and I really want the greenway.
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