Personally, I am a paper-person, but I figure this is my big chance to get a blog. Once I get enough posts to go by, I'll probably tell people this exists. Or maybe I should tell people right away, so that they can always be caught up. Or perhaps I am reading into this too deeply and nobody is actually going to read this blog at all. Hm. That seems most likely. In fact, I bet that I pointed you to this specific post, for you to be reading it. Thank you for actually reading what I pointed you to!
Anyway, let's see, how did today go. Well, I have four professors to go over, it seems. First, starting at 9:00 in the morning, I've got Linear Algebra (MATH 217). For those of you who don't know what that means, yes, Linear Algebra comes after Calculus. My professor's name is Professor David Gammack, and he has a British accent. He seems to be a pretty neat guy, all in all. Somehow I always manage to luck out with math professors. First, Jorge Balbás, and now David Gammack. Well, I suppose I shouldn't assume he's great right now, as I have known him for an hour. Nonetheless, I am happy so far.
As for French, I have two teachers. For my morning class, I have Dominique Butler-Bourant, who went ahead and spoke in French for the first 15 minutes or so, making me wonder if I had walked into the correct room. However, she eventually switched to English and let us know that we were indeed in RCLANG 160, Intensive French I, and I've already got work to do I guess. Not much though. My other teacher for French, Carolyn Anderson-Burack. I suppose I'll be getting to know her better as her class is far smaller than the morning one (the morning one is a lecture and the afternoon is discussion). Neat. All in all, though, everyone seems to be neat.
Oh yeah! Jeff Evans! He is a neuro-psycologist and is teaching a course on writing. He is the reason I am doing this, actually. It suddenly occurs to me that he will be reading this, so perhaps it would be best to not make fun of him. I don't really have anything bad to say about him anyway. Yet.
Really though, he is very bad with names, as am I. And it's kind of cool because he keeps making little remarks about how something is psychologically. Really interesting stuff.
Anyway, I am currently listening to "Bottle Rocket" by the Go! Team. This is a very cool song. The following song on the album (Thunder, Lightning, Strike) is called "Friendship Update" and is also really awesome. I swear, this album is the soundtrack to my life. If my life were a movie, this would totally be the music.
Anyhow, Wilson cleaned his stuff in the room, and now I am messier than he is, so I should probably clean so's I can get back to blaming the mess on him.
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