However, I am still in the mood for the Go! Team. I'm listening to "Bottle Rocket" as I type, actually. Good song. I wish I knew the words, but I imagine the words are useless in interpreting the song. I think I will definitely have to buy the album at some point.
So my math teacher still seems to be pretty awesome. Thing is, he always starts class early. I will have to show up earlier, I guess. Walking from it to French is a little annoying as well, because it somehow always seems to take 10 minutes. Either that or I walk from math as soon as it ends and to French and always walk in as soon as it begins.
So I don't exactly know what to write. Perhaps I'll share some issues of myself. This is about emotions. Lately, I've been moderately mood-swingy. I suspect it to mostly be related to my good friend Simon being gone, but who knows? There are probably several varied contributing factors. I find that it is rarely just one thing. For anything. Take Bush winning the 2000 election. By the way, I am indeed liberal (not progressive — I hate the word progressive, so much). I do not affiliate myself with either party, however, because both of them manage to piss me off in different ways.
I also don't find that any of the smaller parties really resonate with me much. Perhaps more than Democrats or Republicans, but not enough that I would consider the size:resonation ratio to be worth it.
Anyhow, as I was saying, Bush won the 2000 election, as we all know. Many people who are upset about that have thrown the blame to several people. Some of the most common are Sandra Day O'Connor, William Rehnquist, those blocking polls from minorities, and Ralph Nader, I think. I don't usually hear Karl Rove, but I think he should perhaps take more blame than he's given. However, although I love the blame game as much as anybody, I prefer to blame the very large minority that voted for Bush. Many claim that because it was a minority, Gore should have won. I agree, I guess, but I'm not angry at the Supreme Court for disagreeing. I'm not even mad at Ralph for running even though he perhaps knew he would elect Bush.
I'm mad at the huge amount of the population that went ahead and voted for that loser of a president. Thing is, that isn't a person to blame. That is a bunch of faceless nameless people, and you really can't get mad at one individually. So, of course, people like to blame other more prominent people.
Well, it is rarely the person everybody points at. That person is merely a figurehead. They look good when they do something good, but look bad when they screw up. When it comes to actually doing anything, they have surprisingly little power.
But I digress. I was talking about emotions. Well, lately, I have been somewhat depressed. Most of it the whole "nobody likes me and I get on everybody's nerves" sort. Earlier today, I think a large source of this cleaned a lot of it up, but it is by no means gone. I mean, if you were to ask me logically, I have no reason to believe anybody harbours any dislike for me at all, yet my emotions are somehow convinced.
I really wish it was my logic that controlled my feelings, and not my stupid gut. My gut has only one purpose, and that is to eat food. I have no idea what place it has in my emotions. It has none.
I can feel my eyelids sagging. While this is a feeling I'm sure I will have to get used to, I'd rather postpone my being accustomed to it if at all possible.
Fare well and a good night to all! Unless you live in India and it is almost afternoon! Then please do not have a good night!
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