Yeah, I really hope this works, because I like don't have time for fun at all as it stands. And that ain't right. It ain't right at all. I mean, it's not like I have any friends or anything, but I can still have fun, same as any. I never really did need friends to have fun anyway. It's like, I am totally content with my own company. When I am by myself, I can make sock puppet shows and nobody will even think I am weird, because there is nobody there to think I am weird.
Also, due to incidents of the past, having no friends is something I have grown accustomed to, you know? I don't really make very strong friendship bonds with people, because, well, I don't know why. I just don't, really. There are only two people with whom I have really bonded, and they are Simon and Gynelle. Sorry to all my other friends that thought they might be on that list. It's not that you guys aren't important to me or something. I'm just saying that Simon and Gynelle are basically my two friends. Once you have the whole telepathy thing going on, well, I dunno, but Simon and Gynelle and I have the whole telepathy thing going on, so I guess we apply to this sentence.
No, seriously, we totally do. Ask anybody. They will tell you that we have the whole telepathy thing going on.
So anyway, once I have a schedule, things will at least be way less stressful, you know? Whether I have time or not doesn't really matter much I guess, but I won't ever need to be staying up late doing something or anything. Or waking up absurdly early. Both of which I have done, and neither of which I want to do again.
So I just lost my train of thought completely. I don't really like the fishbowl that much, when it comes down to it. I mean, it's great for getting stuff done, but it is not an environment I particularly enjoy. If only there were computers in Rackham. I really like studying in Rackham. I really like it there. I'm also not allowed to go there. Hah! Rules.
I mean, I'm not obnoxious or anything.
Man, this may be my most rambling entry yet. Maybe.
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