Also, I am going to leave soon to audition for Michigan Pops Orchestra. It is basically the fun orchestra. The theme this semester is cartoon music, so they will be playing cartoon music. They perform in the Michigan Theatre, and there will be a movie screen behind them showing cartoons. I hope I get in. I hope I hope I hope. That would be so cool!
So anyway, the ninja hunting will be great, because we will have also Wilson and Brianne and Nico. And maybe others! We will also have that wicked He Man sword. It will be the best ever.
So anyway, just a tip for those of you smart enough to get those USB Flash drives:
You know how when you pull it out without ejecting it from the computer, you get an error message telling you to not do that, or you risk corrupting the disc? Well it isn't lying. Don't do that. Just eject the stupid disc the way the computer wants you to. I lost an entire paper. It would also be smart to save on places that are not the disc. You know, to back it up. But seriously, I didn't know pulling out the disc actually did anything bad. I always thought it was just one of those small precautionary things. Well, heed your computer's advise. It's probably smarter than you are.
So yeah. Gotta gotta gotta rewrite the paper. Dangit dangit dangit.
It's just lucky for me that the professor randomly decided to postpone the deadline a week. So yeah. College. Ahahaha.
Speaking of college, I had that French test today. Those of you that know me well know that my specific memory is really terrible. However, I am very good at deriving things. You know, like, if I can come up with a reason that something is true, I will remember it. However, I will forget that the something is true, and will require the logical process.
So, onward to vocabulary. Sometimes, I can find connections that make words make sense for their meanings. Like, "Maison" is house, and is similar to "mansion." So I remember that it is house. Et cetera. Nonetheless, I can't do this with every single noun we have. There are many that I just have to remember. So what do I do? I forget them instead of remembering them!
Anyway, the test was great. The whole way through, I seemed to know everything. It wasn't very vocabulary-leaning. It was way more on grammar. I think I did really well. Although, what I forgot, was there was also the afternoon test. However, when the single sheet of paper was passed around, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was culture stuff. I'm good at that! And we answered in English! I'm good at that too!
So I happily completed it in about 15 minutes. And then was given part II, which was several pages, and vocab. Fuck. Yeah, so I bombed that, not surprisingly. I wonder when I find out how well I did. Probably tomorrow. Blegh.
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