Call me that I dare you. I double triple dog dare you! I don't even know what I am saying right now.
Well, I will be honest. I really don't want to be writing right now. I'm kinda not in the best of moods and it's not for any actual reason so I can't really use this blog thing to vent.
Well, I am supposed to focus on such as writing my journal, so I'll do that. Writing. It sure is. Without writing, we'd still be not reading anything. Or even writing anything on such as paper, same as any. Does it make sense? Doesn't make sense.
Well, I guess my writing is too dang controlled. I'm all "I have a big vocabulary and use nice punctuation and grammar and I am very boring." I guess this is not a good thing for the class. It's as good as any for such as writing analytical papers or science papers, but when it comes to things that are interesting / cool, it simply doesn't make the cut.
For example, consider that what the heck I just started an example with "consider that" I think my point has basically been proved at this point.
When I write something, I usually turn in my second draft. The voice I am using right now is my normal streaming voice where I don't have to put any effort into thinking, and it is a good enough voice to turn in. The second draft is more of a changing words around to make it sound poetic kinda thing. This isn't good I guess, because I should be doing many drafts to get my best work out.
I need to figure out a way to lose this voice while streming. Have a voice that conveys ideas without caring about skillfull conveying. Instead, it would be skill-less. Or at least, full of ideas.
So I am still trying to figure out a cool password. I would like it to be around 12 characters long, and I want it to look really cool to type in (basically, really really fast and without looking). I also want it to be done completely with my right hand, so that I can press return immediately after. This is the best sort of thing I have come up with so far:
It is pretty easy to type quickly and press return while all at the same time being accurate. It follows all my listed values, basically. But it's not cool enough. I need it to look cool to type in. This one is basically the same thing three times in a row, which doesn't cut it. Any suggestions? Really, I could use help. I'm tired of my current password, which I was about to write, but won't. Help me, those of you with ideas!
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