30 September, 2006
29 September, 2006
Working in the cafeteria COMPLETELY pays off
My blog's new look
Google updated Blogger to make it more convenient I guess. Anyway, I decided that as simplistic as my old layout was, it was kinda ugly. So I made a more spruced up layout with more colours and such. If anybody just hates the hell out of it, tell me, and I'll see if I feel like accommodating your concern.
The CCRB was kinda disappointing. I didn't really like it. I don't really want to ever go there. Bummer. We'll see what happens with this.
I would be going to a Buddhist Seminary meeting tonight, but in my effort to create a bat-shit crazy work schedule for myself, I completely forgot about it and I have work tonight until like 8:30 and tomorrow I think at 10. Basically meaning that if I did go to the meeting, I would not be there for most of it and I would miss the actual meeting.
People at work are trying to get me to become a captain, and I don't even know if I want to. It's like, I definitely do, but right now? I'm not real experienced and being a captain implies hella responsibility, and I am not sure if I want that. I mean, it is also an awesome job (or seems like it) and it pays more, but again, I don't really want to do it if I am not ready, you know? I'll have to ask someone how difficult the learning curve really is. I guess I will.
To be honest, I kind of want to be a captain, just because I've watched them and thought, "dang, I want to be that." But I've also thought, "dang, they have been working here for a really long time and you can tell by the way they do stuff." With me it is like, I have not been here a really long time. I want to be a captain, but I probably shouldn't. I'm going to go do some homework
I don't want to live for a long time
Continuing my argument for having fun while sick, what is the idea behind babying your body as you get older? Well, the idea is that you will live longer. That way, we can live to be old and broken to the point where we get a bruise from knocking on a door. Why live that long? Seriously. You could just shorten your life expectancy by taxing your system all the time. In fact, that will probably make you live longer. Only one way to find out, eh?
Anyway, I am looking into free running. It looks like a really awesome thing to do. So I am going to start going to the gym I guess. Maybe lift weights. Maybe run a lot. Maybe learn the basic free running stuff really well. Then when winter is over I might start actually doing it. I think it would just be a really cool way to keep in shape. Right now the only working out I do is occasional runs in the morning, and pull ups in my room. You know what? I'm gonna head over to the CCRB right now. Check it out. Maybe see what it is like.
Yeah, working out is always a good idea. Also does anybody know what you can do with a repetitive motion injury? I have this hella painful muscle around my right shoulder-blade that I think is caused by loading dishes into the machine at work. I think that because as soon as I finish loading dishes into the machine, it is suddenly like OH GOD THE PAIN. This is my first repetitive motion injury, and the only thing people have told me to do is take aspirin because that makes the pain stop and the muscle relax. And I am like no I am not going to take aspirin. I have never taken that kind of thing before, and I am not going to break my drug virginity with aspirin for a repetitive motion injury.
I will break my drug injury maybe when I have broken all of my bones in three different places and there is more dirt in my body than there is blood. Then I will take pain drugs. But seriously. Repetitive motion injury? Aspirin? Come on.
Anybody know anything else about them? I guess I can ask the internet.
Just kidding. Not really. I'm not actually kidding. Useful as the internet is, all I can see is how it basically sucks.
27 September, 2006
Just occurred to me, and I wish I had a person to talk to rather than a blog to write in
Why do I care about humans so much? I think I am completely a materialist at this point, all believing that humans evolved just like the rest of animals. I mean, it makes sense. In the past few thousand years, humans have developed remarkably, but we are after all just a race of animals in a meaningless universe. Why do I feel the need to help them out?
Seriously, I'm not going to go on about how bad humans are, because if we are all animals, what are we bad compared to? We just have a lot of power, and we aren't good at wielding it. What's so wrong with that? Nothing. But what makes them worth "saving" or helping? Nothing. If it's all meaningless, why do I care?
I guess it's because I am a part of the human race. I am a human, therefore it is my responsibility to further my race as best I can. As far as what is best for the universe, I don't think there is such a thing as good or bad, as it is all relative. What if we destroy Earth and ourselves and all life on Earth? So what? Is it a shame? What if we are the only life in the universe and we destroy ourselves? If a tree falls in a forest with no one to hear or see it, who cares? I am a human, so I will do what I will.
Also, what is real? I mean, we have our five senses, but does anybody ever feel that they are lacking? I do. On other occasions, I will feel other people's presence in a more "real" way. But what is real other than what we perceive? Each of us has our own perception of the world. We aren't right or wrong, we're just permanently subjective. How can we be objective when we only know what we can see, smell, hear, taste, touch, and think?
To answer all of my questions, we cannot be objective, we do not matter in any "big scheme of things," and there is no objective right or wrong. But we do have personal goals and visions. And they have plenty of personal meanings. And they are real.
In other news, college is disappointingly easy. I also found all the episodes of Look Around You on YouTube. I would link you to them, but they are not hard to find. Anyway, I hate how people procrastinate, and keep doing it and then when you ask if they can hang out they say no because they have all this work, but you know that they are just going to keep procrastinating, so they may as well hang out with you. Bye.
26 September, 2006
25 September, 2006
The French lunch table starts in 25 minutes. I don't have any work right now (I mean, there are larger things, but they aren't really worth opening if I'm not going to spend 2-3 hours on them). I already read all the comics I usually read. I worked some on my language. I checked the websites I check. I mean, what can I do right now. I had a lot of fruits for breakfast today (2 nectarines and a banana), so I am full of fructose, and I need to do something about it.
Also we played Diplomacy yesterday, and it is my first game of Diplomacy ever where I am not being completely crushed by everybody who is surrounding me. I'd go on saying vague things about it so that you feel left out for not having been there, but I mean, that is what a dumb person does.
Well that killed 8 minutes.
23 September, 2006
Broke a plate in dishroom today while scraping, and got my hands and arms all scratched up (only a few actual cuts). So now it looks like I cut myself. Long sleeves!
Also I fucking HATE hummus. Seriously. Hummus is horrible. People put it all over their plates and it does not come off of the plates and I hate it and I really fucking hate hummus in fact if that plate were not covered in hummus I would not have broken it I HATE YOU HUMMUS. SCREW YOU HUMMUS, FUCK YOU!
Being sick
I mean don't get worried or anything I just have a cold and I'm on the recovery end of it now. Anyway, not liking emergen-C, being sick means you have to basically let your body heal you. What I find odd however is that everybody has advice for what I should do to get better, and I will never follow any of the advice. Even if it's good advice, which it usually is.
The advice is typically something along the lines of "drink lots of water (this I do anyway), get lots of rest, don't go outside, lay down a lot, etc." Basically, "don't have fun." Guys, if you have a bunch of fun jumping around in the cold rain outside while you are sick, all that will happen is that you will be sick for a few days longer. Seriously, would you rather be sick for 5 days of no fun, or be sick for 8 days with plenty of fun.
I mean, some sicknesses really do require you to not do anything all the time, but the common cold is not that kind of sickness. Seriously.
22 September, 2006
Logic Puzzle
This is what I have been working on for the past two hours:
There are three gods, named Truth, Lie, and Random. Truth will always tell the truth, Lie will always lie, and Random will unpredictably change back and forth between telling the truth or a lie. Also, they will (of course) only answer yes-or-no questions, and they will answer only in their own language with either "da" or "ja." You do not know which word means yes, and which means no.
You may ask any number of questions, and being gods, they are all-knowing.
Also I got the solution, and it is actually possible.
21 September, 2006
Oh man.
I just took a really good dump. Like, seriously. I feel so good right now. I love it when that happens. It happens like 1 in a couple hundred dumps, and I am just like, "YES."
6 bags for $56 is pretty tempting
I mean, like that would be 5+ pounds of Daim chocolate.
Right now I am tired and sick. I don't really like that I am tired and sick. Anyway, I'm thinking about death right now. Not about what happens after death, but death itself. I am wondering why people have to die.
I mean, think about it. Why can't we keep generating fresh tissue, like when we were born. Why do we grow old and weak. I mean, it doesn't have to be that way. The only reason it is that way is because, well, it is that way. But look, there was a time when we were just one cell that started dividing. If one cell can become a human, why can't a human stay a human? It seems like each cell could have the ability to create new cells. I know that some do, but some don't.
In case anybody is misinterpreting this, I will clarify that I think death is a good thing. For one thing, I don't really want to live forever. And for another thing, if everybody lived forever, there would be no room for new-borns. What I don't understand is why nobody has come up with a way to maintain youth forever by re-growing tissue. I guess it is just way more complicated than I think it is. But I mean, if one cell is able to become a body over a few months, why can't we look at how it does that? Or I guess we already have.
I don't know. It seems to me that it shouldn't be too hard a thing to change. I'm glad it's harder than I think it is, because, as I said, I like death. But still. Weird. Does anybody know specific reasons for this? Other than lame "tradition" explanations saying things like "biological matter is imperfect." That isn't an explanation. That's just a cop-out. Please spare me.
By the way, if you are thinking "but Matt, it is imperfect," I want you to know that I already know that. However, I don't see why it can't be perfect. I see that it isn't, but that's because we were created by evolution, not by intelligence. We now in theory have the power to evolve intelligently, whether we want to use that power or not. Therefore, why is it considered impossible for us to be perfect?
Actually, in general, I kind of have a problem with perfection. I realise that this is a complete tangent to what I was saying earlier, but I want to say it. Everybody says that nobody is perfect. And I understand that, yes indeed, nobody is perfect. But why? Why can't we be perfect. After all, is perfection anything other than constant mindfulness? I mean, if you are completely mindful of everything you do, you don't make mistakes (unless you don't know what you are doing). Maybe the reason is because no one can possibly always know what they are doing 100%. But then, why not. Everything has a limit. I think perfection is a finite, attainable thing. Just with a lot of difficulty.
Prove me wrong!
20 September, 2006
It needs to be said

William Beckett may be the sexiest man alive right now. Seriously, look at him. It is like, people should not be that attractive. Or maybe everybody should be that attractive. I don't even know. Either way, I would fuck him, and I am not even gay.
Also, the Daim chocolate bar from Norway is really fucking good.
I will also quote Nice Pete at this time.
Please read my words Google
Computer Computer Google
Who invented you Google
You beautiful thing
19 September, 2006
Always good to end the day with a quote
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion."
~General Schwartzkoph
Meaning of life?
Like many people, I've been thinking about the meaning of life and all that. I don't think there is any meaning of life. I don't think there is any deep purpose, or universal goal. I'm not saying this as a negative thing, and I'm not saying that makes individual purposes and goals any less special. I'm not even depressed about it. I just don't think anything matters in the big scheme of things. Humans are animals with overdeveloped brains. Blame God, blame fate, don't blame anything, whatever. I think the only thing that is real is that I am here, and you are here. The idea is that I help your life become easier, and you help mine do the same. In helping each other out, we all have better, happier lives.
Need it be more complicated than this?
Actually I just hate new iTunes
Really. I hate that it won't let me quit without immediately restarting, I hate that I can't give songs album artwork any way other than one-at-a-time, I hate that I cannot look at the program icon without crying a little.
Apple, your new iTunes has made the hate-list.
18 September, 2006
New iTunes
17 September, 2006
My Night Memory
Before going to bed last night I made a note to myself. Here it is:
My memory is much better at night. I talked with Brian about religion.
Apparently, at night my memory is better. I guess that means I can probably remember more stuff when I'm tired, or something. Ah, irony. Also the second sentence is pretty self-explanitory.
Anyway, this was an experiment to see if writing stuff down jogged my memories. It didn't, but there is a thing similar to déjà vu or something, like when you know something, but you can't find it. Next time I stay up late, I'll make a point of writing stuff down. Also, last night we went to an asylum.
15 September, 2006
Martial art kind of stuff
I was doing Godai Ninpo Ninjutsu last year, but I found out recently that it is not actually very good. However there is a different Ninjutsu group called Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. It costs about a quarter the price, meets three times a week instead of once, and is better apparently. So um, now I am doing Bujinkan. I can actually only make it once a week anyway, but it is still $100 per semester. So, um, I am doing it.
14 September, 2006
Want to know what French word sucks for a native English speaker to say? Réfrigérateur. It looks harmless, but keep in mind that a French "r" is roughly equivalent to a Yiddish "ch". So a better way to write it might be Chéfchigéchateuch. I hate this word.
There is rampant marker theft going on in my hall. Most of the whiteboards at this point do not have markers (in fact, one of these has "Mark my words, the next marker will be POISONED" written on it). I, along with a couple others, have purchased a new marker and duct-taped it to the door. This solved the problem for a while, but now, guess what. There are no caps on our markers. WHAT. WHY WOULD A PERSON DO THIS. Seriously, markers could be anything, but marker caps? That is just saying "hey I am being an asshole for no reason."
Dear thief. Fuck you. You are the kind of person who should not exist. Nobody likes you, and all your friends say bad things about you when you are not around. In fact, everybody hates you. Suicide is the only way out. Remember—down the block twice, and then cross the street at your elbow. (In case you are an idiot, I am telling you to drag a razor down your arm twice, and then across. It is pretty basic information, and I normally would not clarify, but I want to make sure you understand.) Your pal, Matt.
13 September, 2006
Ch'uis très occupé maintenant.
For serious. I am dang busy right now. But I love it. It's really cool to be busy when it is because you have a lot to do and not because you have a lot to do that you should have done a week ago. C'est très cool!
An observation: I've been noticing that most of the students I see here think of themselves as high school students. They seem to think that they are in classes because they have to be, and that they are studying because they have to. This is not the case. If you hate all your classes, you should maybe think about why you took them. If you took it to fulfil a requirement, at least remember that you are paying something like $65 per hour of class, so you may as well try to find a way to enjoy it. Even if the only way is that it is a step towards graduating.
I think the development of the undecided major is in part to blame. People go in with the intention of continuing their high school experience and to take a diverse amount of interesting classes. Problem is, this is not what a university is for. Now that I actually have an idea of what I want to do "when I grow up," I can look at each of my classes and think to myself, "this class will help me with this, and that class will really help me to do this." This way, I am more like a man with goals, who is seeking the help of a university.
I don't really see many people like me in that respect. I imagine that about half the students here are here because "college is what comes after high school." I mean, that's why I went a year ago, and look where it got me. Well, it got me into a monastery, which was admittedly pretty awesome. But I should have gone to the monastery from the start, because I didn't have any idea what I wanted to do.
I dunno. I used to think of the "know your life plan" approach as boring and old-fashioned, but now that I'm taking it, I can really see its advantages. Plus, there are way too many 17-year-olds in college right now. But seriously, having a lifetime goal is the shit. I am basically inspired to do all my work all the time. Even if the work is boring, I can see my end goal, and see that it is attainable if I do the boring work, and then for that reason the work becomes interesting.
Guys, totally figure out what you want to do with your life. Your life will become completely awesome. I mean, even if what you want to do is ridiculous, don't let that be a reason to quell it. If it's what you want to do, then there ain't no one who can tell you to stop wanting to do it.
Plus you will seriously enjoy every aspect of life. I mean, my whole thing even gives me a reason to go out of my way to make a lot of friends. It's fucking awesome! Anyway I have one thousand homeworks and not a lot of time. Don't expect many updates for a while. Then again, things might let up a little. We'll see.
11 September, 2006
Yeah no more Decemberists.
Sorry everybody. I don't like The Decemberists. Do not talk to me about the Decemberists because I do not care and I do not like them.
Today has been another damn good day. I like today.
10 September, 2006
The Decemberists
I like their music whenever the guy is not singing. When he starts singing, a part of me wants to turn off the music. I hope I just get used to it. I guess a lot of their music is about the lyrics. I don't really listen to music for the lyrics. I like music to sound good, and I start to notice the lyrics after I've listened to a song about 10 times. The only exception I can think of is Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. Otherwise, listening to lyrics takes way too much effort for me to want to do it. And I don't really like The Decemberists. I mean, I'll try harder to like them, but that is my current feeling. I mostly HATE how the singer inserts the sound "ay" instead of "ee" (keepayng instead of keeping, speakayng instead of speaking). That's really all I hear when I listen to it right now.
Also, while coming back to my room, I noticed a guy leaving a dorm room wearing only a towel. This is of course a common site, as guys do need to get to the shower. What I didn't realise until I was in my room was that he was coming out of a room in Cooley House, which is reserved for WISE (Women In Science & Engineering). There are no guys in WISE.
Not important or anything. I just noticed it and it made me laugh to myself, so I thought it'd be worth typing. Like the time the Ninja Hunters knocked on a door and it was answered by an angry guy in a bathrobe who was definitely in the middle of sex when we got there.
Guess who has finished ALL THE WORK
Me! I am doing so much better this semester than last semester. I mean, the first week is hardly evidence to show anything, but my attitude and everything is exactly where it should be. But yeah, I just finished all the French work due tomorrow (which I started Friday, after receiving the assignment Thursday). There was actually a lot of French work. Yesterday I finished the math homework due Wednesday. Now I can enjoy today knowing that I have NO WORK AT ALL to do. I have not had this feeling since, um, well, I think there were a couple times in high school where I bothered to finish my work ahead of time and it felt like this. Dang. Today is going to be so great.
As for the broader perspective of my life, I am doing really well. I am making friends now, for example. It is not very hard to make friends. Actually it is really easy to make friends. It just takes some effort, and then you have to visit people and stuff, and not wait for them to initiate anything. I used to always leave it to other people to initiate stuff, and I would get all depressed when no one did, thinking that everyone must hate me. In truth, people basically are too lazy, or they barely know me, or they are doing the same thing I am doing. In each circumstance, initiating stuff is the answer.
This is pretty basic stuff, and I've probably known that, but I finally started doing it. Exciting time. Also, I've realised that while I cannot directly control my emotions, it is easy to indirectly control them. Exempli gratia, I get depressed. Instead of wallowing (more on this later), I figure out why I am depressed. Say it is because I don't think people care about me. I then go hang out with someone who definitely cares with me. Actually the solution to depression is usually hanging out with someone (for me anyway), but it is typically a pretty specific type of someone. When it comes to the point where I am depressed and don't want to think about it, I go for a run. For at least 15 minutes. This ALWAYS HELPS.
My dad used to say something like, "mix up your chemicals; don't add new ones." The idea is to promote running as a "bestitute" for drugs. I think there's something to that. When I run for 15 minutes, my mind feels clearer, and more open. It certainly doesn't remove such as depression, but it gives me a better angle on what's going on, and the will to solve the problem at hand.
Anyway, my room is clean, my work is done, my previously dirty clothing is being laundered, I have friends, and today I am going to celebrate my dad's birthday. For me, my life is at the highest point it's been at in years. And it's looking like it'll keep going up for a good while. Great!
Also, I am liking Inara George more and more. I like it more as background music than as active listening music, but I really like it a lot as background music. It is really good for doing homework without being distracting. I'm like, "daaaaang!"
I'm thinking a lot about the language I'm making right now. I wish I knew a linguist. Or hell, anybody who knows the basics of language and has the free time to help me with this.
09 September, 2006
A meditation on toilet seats
For the majority of my life, I have been in the "toilet seat AND cover both go down when you are done" camp. When there is no cover, I put down the seat. I feel this is a good habit. However, now that the dorm bathroom is actually a women's bathroom that says "MEN" on the door (basically meaning there are no urinals), guys all use normal toilets for everything. Now, I am beginning to appreciate the idea of leaving the seat up. If the seat is up, it signifies that there will be no urine on it if you have to take a dump. If it is down, then you just don't know. Now, when I need to unload the day's rations, I first see if any toilets have the seat up. It is much easier than entering the stall and inspecting the seat to make sure.
I mean, or you could just sit in a puddle of some dude's pee. It's up to you.
08 September, 2006
07 September, 2006
Today is going to be great.
I am going to jam with Tom Goss in the afternoon maybe with a bunch of people. Also, starting at 9 or 10, I am going to hunt some ninja. I went to Acme Mercantile and bought new FUTURE GOGGLES and five tiny water pistols. Also a FUTURE GUN. We will probably be hunting ninjas, because, as Anneka said, it is our first time in months, and we want people to see us and think to themselves, "daaaaang."
I mentioned Ninja Hunting to Ewan, and he said he had been told about that during orientation. Someone from East Quad was talking about group opportunities, and they finished the list with "we even have ninja hunters," and a few people were apparently very impressed by this news. I hope we do not let them down and that instead we measure up to their golden standard of what a ninja hunter should be like.
Actually I just hope they join. Eventually, our ninja hunting group will be so huge that we will be too big for East Quad and will have to spread to South Quad and West Quad. Then we will begin leeching into Hill Campus, and finally North Campus. Then we will annex other colleges with our Ninja Hunting. It is going to be so great.
06 September, 2006
Is pretty great, to not be on facebook
One of the things I thought would be a problem is that I now cannot view the contact information of a lot of people I got in touch with over facebook. What I realise is that being facebook friends with someone does not make me any more "in touch" with them. It just gives me the secure feeling that I am. Being off facebook, I have to write down the contact information of people I actually WANT to be in touch with, and if anyone wants to know anything about me, they have to meet me. Also vice versa. I can't go read someone's profile and suddenly know everything about them anymore. I now have to go back to the old fashioned method of hanging out.
It is kinda weird though. It's like, I've been on facebook for a year and a half, and suddenly it's gone. This is something like what I would imagine it would be like to quit smoking. But probably to a much lesser degree. It's like, whoa, that is not a part of my life.
On the other hand, I feel really awesome. Kind of in the same way that indie-listeners probably feel awesome. Back when I first joined facebook, I was part of a small-ish group of people who were discovering a cool network of people. While I was on it, it evolved into a disgusting but glossed-over MySpace. The whole News Feed thing was what made me consider leaving, and then I was like "but that's a little extreme," but then I was like "well actually I've kinda been looking for an excuse for a while now. This is a good one."
So the newsfeed is the scapegoat (did you know that once a year, Jews blame all their sins on a goat? Shoshana told me this. It is apparently where the word "scapegoat" came from. Learning things like this is a cool thing to do) for why I left, but really I kinda stopped liking facebook around May or so. Maybe before then. It might have been before I left. Actually I still think they should have left the walls the way they used to be. When they changed the walls, I guess a seed was planted.
Anyway, leaving facebook does not count as a full blog post really. Other information about what I am doing: I met a girl named Angela yesterday, and it turns out I have known her for more than a year and a half, from an interfaith religious conference I went to those years ago. Also I moved her into her room, and somehow we both forgot that. This actually sounds like a much less weird revelation than it was at the time. At the time we were like "SHIIIIIIT." Also she has my umbrella. It's been a while since I've been separated from my brolly for this long. I want it back. Just kidding. I mean, I do want it back, but I don't want it so urgently that italics were necessary or anything.
She said that I should read Pride and Prejudice. I guess I should. But it goes on the bottom of my list, and considering that Gödel, Escher, Bach and House Of Leaves are both on the list above it, I probably won't get around to reading it for a good couple years, if I'm quick.
I'm listening to a lot of Звери today. I probably shouldn't like them as much as I do, but I do like them exactly that much, so fuck you.
Anyway I am going to go shopping for new Ninja-Hunting / Billionaires for Bush gear. Goodbye.
05 September, 2006
04 September, 2006
A letter to a girl
This is a letter to a girl who definitely reads this blog.
Dear Girl: You will be pleased to know that I have finally thrown out the futon cover that I have had for more than one year. It has been replaced completely with a new futon cover, and I assure you that there is no way that anything displeasing could have already entered into this new cover. You can now feel safe and comfortable whenever you sit on my futon. Your pal, Matt.
I guess this is also a letter to anyone who went ninja hunting with me on a certain night when we decided to barge into a certain room to see a certain futon cover that had certain actions happening on it when we came in. You know who you are. Also the girl that this letter is to is Anneka.
For the rest of my post, I am going to talk about my life at this point.
After pausing for about 1 and a half minutes, I realise that I have a lot that happened, and not a lot to say about any of it. Thank you. -Matt