06 September, 2006

Is pretty great, to not be on facebook

One of the things I thought would be a problem is that I now cannot view the contact information of a lot of people I got in touch with over facebook. What I realise is that being facebook friends with someone does not make me any more "in touch" with them. It just gives me the secure feeling that I am. Being off facebook, I have to write down the contact information of people I actually WANT to be in touch with, and if anyone wants to know anything about me, they have to meet me. Also vice versa. I can't go read someone's profile and suddenly know everything about them anymore. I now have to go back to the old fashioned method of hanging out.

It is kinda weird though. It's like, I've been on facebook for a year and a half, and suddenly it's gone. This is something like what I would imagine it would be like to quit smoking. But probably to a much lesser degree. It's like, whoa, that is not a part of my life.

On the other hand, I feel really awesome. Kind of in the same way that indie-listeners probably feel awesome. Back when I first joined facebook, I was part of a small-ish group of people who were discovering a cool network of people. While I was on it, it evolved into a disgusting but glossed-over MySpace. The whole News Feed thing was what made me consider leaving, and then I was like "but that's a little extreme," but then I was like "well actually I've kinda been looking for an excuse for a while now. This is a good one."

So the newsfeed is the scapegoat (did you know that once a year, Jews blame all their sins on a goat? Shoshana told me this. It is apparently where the word "scapegoat" came from. Learning things like this is a cool thing to do) for why I left, but really I kinda stopped liking facebook around May or so. Maybe before then. It might have been before I left. Actually I still think they should have left the walls the way they used to be. When they changed the walls, I guess a seed was planted.

Anyway, leaving facebook does not count as a full blog post really. Other information about what I am doing: I met a girl named Angela yesterday, and it turns out I have known her for more than a year and a half, from an interfaith religious conference I went to those years ago. Also I moved her into her room, and somehow we both forgot that. This actually sounds like a much less weird revelation than it was at the time. At the time we were like "SHIIIIIIT." Also she has my umbrella. It's been a while since I've been separated from my brolly for this long. I want it back. Just kidding. I mean, I do want it back, but I don't want it so urgently that italics were necessary or anything.

She said that I should read Pride and Prejudice. I guess I should. But it goes on the bottom of my list, and considering that Gödel, Escher, Bach and House Of Leaves are both on the list above it, I probably won't get around to reading it for a good couple years, if I'm quick.

I'm listening to a lot of Звери today. I probably shouldn't like them as much as I do, but I do like them exactly that much, so fuck you.

Anyway I am going to go shopping for new Ninja-Hunting / Billionaires for Bush gear. Goodbye.


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