For serious. I am dang busy right now. But I love it. It's really cool to be busy when it is because you have a lot to do and not because you have a lot to do that you should have done a week ago. C'est très cool!
An observation: I've been noticing that most of the students I see here think of themselves as high school students. They seem to think that they are in classes because they have to be, and that they are studying because they have to. This is not the case. If you hate all your classes, you should maybe think about why you took them. If you took it to fulfil a requirement, at least remember that you are paying something like $65 per hour of class, so you may as well try to find a way to enjoy it. Even if the only way is that it is a step towards graduating.
I think the development of the undecided major is in part to blame. People go in with the intention of continuing their high school experience and to take a diverse amount of interesting classes. Problem is, this is not what a university is for. Now that I actually have an idea of what I want to do "when I grow up," I can look at each of my classes and think to myself, "this class will help me with this, and that class will really help me to do this." This way, I am more like a man with goals, who is seeking the help of a university.
I don't really see many people like me in that respect. I imagine that about half the students here are here because "college is what comes after high school." I mean, that's why I went a year ago, and look where it got me. Well, it got me into a monastery, which was admittedly pretty awesome. But I should have gone to the monastery from the start, because I didn't have any idea what I wanted to do.
I dunno. I used to think of the "know your life plan" approach as boring and old-fashioned, but now that I'm taking it, I can really see its advantages. Plus, there are way too many 17-year-olds in college right now. But seriously, having a lifetime goal is the shit. I am basically inspired to do all my work all the time. Even if the work is boring, I can see my end goal, and see that it is attainable if I do the boring work, and then for that reason the work becomes interesting.
Guys, totally figure out what you want to do with your life. Your life will become completely awesome. I mean, even if what you want to do is ridiculous, don't let that be a reason to quell it. If it's what you want to do, then there ain't no one who can tell you to stop wanting to do it.
Plus you will seriously enjoy every aspect of life. I mean, my whole thing even gives me a reason to go out of my way to make a lot of friends. It's fucking awesome! Anyway I have one thousand homeworks and not a lot of time. Don't expect many updates for a while. Then again, things might let up a little. We'll see.
1 comment:
I think... Well, for one thing, I think you're... not generalizing exactly... Okay, wait, let me start over.
The attitude you're observing in your fellow students, is exactly what makes me despise WCC. The population of this school is composed of (mostly) forty year olds who are coming back to get their GED, or WTMC students, Kids who didn't do well in highschool, so got to come to College! GREAT ALTERNATIVE GUYS!
Erm. Anyway, I guess it's just... People groan and complain about the classes their taking... Well, I don't think you're looking at the whole picture or situation.
First of all. You went to community. Community is the best school I've ever been to when it comes to preparing you for college. Even then, it takes a while to hit just how different college is from highschool. I'm not exactly defending the immature attitude towards classes, but I'm thinking... you have to remember, your first try at college didn't go so great, right? Well... at least the kids bitching and moaning are trying. They just aren't accoustomed to having their entire education in their own hands. The other thing is, a large amount of kids who go to UofM (in general) come from: Scholarships, rich parents, scholarships and poor parents, affermative action, trust funds, or hard work and years of saving for college. The kids who are working hard and saving money for tuiton are probably the ones you'd consider your peers, the ones who undertand that their money is being spent on going to this class and it's for their benefit. And those kids, at an expensive, well renouned college like UofM, are rare.
I guess, it's almost like your looking at these complaining and skipping students with hindsight. It's like "Daaaaaang. You should realize that this is costing money and you don't have to do it!" But it took you a while to realize that YOU could drop your classes. You floundered for a few weeks to a month too. Don't forget that.
Okay, I'm a bitch and will shut up now. I love yah!
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