23 September, 2006


Broke a plate in dishroom today while scraping, and got my hands and arms all scratched up (only a few actual cuts). So now it looks like I cut myself. Long sleeves!

Also I fucking HATE hummus. Seriously. Hummus is horrible. People put it all over their plates and it does not come off of the plates and I hate it and I really fucking hate hummus in fact if that plate were not covered in hummus I would not have broken it I HATE YOU HUMMUS. SCREW YOU HUMMUS, FUCK YOU!


Matthew A LaChance said...

Sometimes a dude needs to get things like this off his chest. As you can see, I do not like hummus.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it caused you pain, but hummus has so many redeeming values. I love hummus. It's like all I eat.

Matthew A LaChance said...

In my mind, hummus does not have redeeming qualities. In my world, it is a place where there is no hummus.