29 September, 2006

Working in the cafeteria COMPLETELY pays off

Sometimes. Like tonight. They baked a bunch of cookies and gave an entire tray of them to the dishroom to eat. The cookies are so good when they are just baked. I can still feel them in my stomach and my stomach is glad that they are there. Also I signed up for another shift in the cafeteria. I am now working Tuesday nights from 4:45-8:30-ish. Serving hell of food to students. Also today is pay day. Yessssss. At the rate I am going, it will take me 12-15 weeks before I am able to execute the financial plan I would like to follow (it involves opening up a more-expensive bank account). Wooo! Also I am going to hold off on being a captain. I'd rather do it when I am completely awesome at work.

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