26 September, 2006


You know how there is always that guy who just has to play devil's advocate no matter what, even when the point has already been made and everybody agrees on it? The guy that has to always bring up the 0.001%-of-the-time exception? The guy that was probably brought up thinking that there really is no such thing as a stupid question? I hate this guy.


Matthew A LaChance said...

Instead of arguing with you, this is the kind of a guy that will bring up an unrelated point that seems to contradict you, but instead it just wastes your time. I often find that when I listen to this guy, I want him to not be talking.

Anonymous said...

So... Dylan.

Matthew A LaChance said...

Josh, as I read your comment, I was thinking to myself "I guess that is true, I should be more fairWAITAMINUTE WHY IS JOSH WRITING THIS OH I get it."